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15mm Jungle Ruins RPG set

15mm Jungle Ruins RPG set

Take your 15mm TTRPG adventures to the jungles as your party discovers the treasures, traps and denizens of these ancient ruins.

Each terrain set can be ordered separately, ordered as a collection or combined with two faction packs.

Small Game Set: 2 faction packs, Ruined Walls, Ruined Building, Pool

Medium Game Set: 2 faction packs, Ruined Walls, Ruined Building, Pool, tower

Mega Game Set: 2 faction packs, Ruined Walls, Ruined Building, Pool, Tower, Altar, Temple

Set options include:

Orcs: 2 Heroes, 2 Shaman, 6 Goblins, 4 Trolls, 6 Orcs, 4 Archers, 6 Great Orcs

Undead: 2 Vampired, 2 Necromancers, 4 Wolves, 3 Ghosts, 4 Wights, 5 Skeletons, 4 Archers, 4 Ghouls, 6 Zombies

Dark Elf: 2 Heroes, 1 Assassin, 1 Sorceress, 6 Spearmen, 6 Crossbows, 6 Brides, 6 Heavy Guard, 4 Harpies

High Elf: 2 Heroes, 2 Mages, 4 Champions, 6 Spearmen, 8 Archers, 4 Rangers,6 Blade Masters, 6 Heavy Guard,

Wood Elf: 2 Heroes, 2 Mages, 6 Spearmen, 4 Archers, 4 Rangers, 4 Dancing Blades, 6 Forest Spirits, 3 Forest Kin

Lizardmen: 2 Heroes, 2 Mages, 6 Warriors, 6 Skink, 6 Heavy Guards, 4 Hulks, 2 Salamnders, 2 Handler crews

Ratmen: 2 Heroes, 2 Mages, 6 Warriors, 6 Ninjas, 4 Heavy Weapons, 3 Rat Ogres, 3 Globe throwers, 4 Storm Rats, Ratswarm

Chaotic: 2 Heroes, 2 Sorcerers, 6 Marauders, 8 Warriors, 3 Trolls, 3 Ogres, 2 Harpies, 3 Hell hounds

Goblins: 2 Heroes, 2 Mages, 6 Spearmen, 6 Archers, 6 Sword and shield, 4 Squiggly Beasts, 3 Fanatics, 3 Trolls

Humans: 2 Heroes, 2 Wizards, 6 Guards, 6 Archers, 6 Bandits, 6 Pikeman, 3 Mercenaries

Beastmen: 2 Heroes, 2 Shamen, 6 Beastkin, 6 Archers, 6 Gore-kin, 6 Hounds, 4 Minotaurs

Dwarves: 2 Heroes, Priest, Engineer, 6 Warriors, 6 Ironguards, 6 Beserkers, 4 crossbows, 4 Gunners

Terrain is printed in PLA plastic on an FRM printer. Layer lines can be easily masked by painting with a sponge and avoiding any drybrushing.

Minis are printed in ABS like resin and are under licence from Forest Dragon, Greenskin Miniatures, Ankylo Miniatures, Varus Miniatures and Wakes Emporium.

Terrain printed under licence from Dark Realms Forge.

    PriceFrom £15.00
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