Battle at the City Gates
The beacons are lit, will you answer their call for aid?
Refight an epic 10mm scale battle at the white cities gates with this boxed set or choose sides and make an army worthy of any name.
White City Defenders:
1 Unit Swan Knights
3 Units of Swordsmen
3 Units of Royal Guard
3 Units of Horselord Cavalry
4 Balistas
2 Trebuchets
Good Heroes
Evil Alliance:
3 Units of Orcs
2 Units of Eastern Warriors
2 Units of Desert Raiders
1 Unit of Desert Raider Horsemen
1 Unit of Desert Raider Camels
1 Battle Elephant
5 Armoured Trolls
1 Unit Orc Archers
Core Terrain Pack:
4 Towers
Ruines Stables
Walls and scatter
City Gate:
Gate and towers, 2 corners
Walls Expansion:
4 Wall sections that can be placed between gate and corners
Boxset supplied with bases for all models. Printed in and ABS like resin.
Models under licence from Wakes Emporium, Varus Miniatures, Dark Realms Forge, Greenskin Miniatures, Tran Anh